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Description / KYO Steri Warmer

Want to take your onahole experience to a level never explored before? Then you need to get your hands on the KYO Steri UV-C Warmer. This advanced device not only warms your onahole or sex toy so that you can always feel great while playing with it, but also eliminates 99.99% of all germs, bacteria, and viruses for your safety.

Warmer Stand for Ultimate Safety and Fun

The UV-C Warmer from KYO is engineered to make your experience even more realistic; all you need to do is slide it inside your favorite onahole/sex toy, and it’ll warm it up within a few minutes. The results? A warmer sensation that makes you feel like you’re in nirvana, without any freezy touches on your private parts.

Besides, with UV-C Warmer Steri, you can forget about unwanted bacteria and viruses, as it eliminates up to 99% of all of these unpleasant “guests’. So you can have the most passionate nights in your life staying calm about your well-being.

Warm and Cozy for an Ultra-Realistic Experience

Onahole and sex toys are incredibly pleasant, but they lack the warm sensation that a real pussy offers; however, you don’t need to worry about that with the Steri UV-C Warmer.
Fitted with 6 UV-C LEDs, this warmer will heat up your toy in a matter of minutes and ready it for you to slide in your cock. It also effectively cleans your onahole so that you can keep having fun with your favorite toy without any worries.

The portable and ergonomic design of the KYO Steri UV-C Warmer Standard also allows you to carry it wherever you want, ensuring that you’re never devoid of pleasure. Moreover, this warmer meticulously maintains the perfect temperature so that your onahole doesn't overheat and is free from sharp edges, while the toy's delicate structure helps to experience the best sex ever.

Explore Unparalleled Pleasure with the KYO Steri UV-C Warmer 

The KYO Steri UV-C Warmer is designed to take your self-loving sessions to the next level and ensure your health and safety.
Fitted with sophisticated LEDs, this warmer generates just the right amount of heat to warm up your onahole without overheating it, and ignites your senses for the most realistic experience.

All you need to do is slide this warmer inside your favorite toy, and you’re guaranteed a safe and sensual getaway unlike any other.


Measurement: 60x60x125mm
Weight: 40 grams
Brand: KYO

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Product weight (g) 40.00 g

International Reviews

Review by N
Es macht was es soll und das sehr schnell.
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Adds a little spice
Review by AO
It pretty much just makes whatever you do feel better since it's warmer. It's good in cold countries and even warm countries, it's also very safe so don't worry about damaging the insides. If you like onaholes, you'll love warm onaholes.
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Would reccomend
Review by A
I am using this before (for heating) and after usage (to disinfect).
Would be great if this is a little bit longer.
Doesn't work on every usb port, requiring untypical much power(expected for a heater).
Didn't work with a lenovo thinkpad (flickers). Worked well with most USB charger that are included with the phones.
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Great for warming
Review by S.B.
It heats up evenly and it has a disinfecting feature too. It's only downside is that it could be a little longer.
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My first warmer
Review by NoRealThrowaway
Why the hell not I thought to myself, it'll warm your favorite onaholes up and you'll be good to go.

While I knew it was kinda small I was still a little surprised about the size when I actually saw it. This thing will warm up your onaholes alright but when you have a thicker onahole you'll be holding a cold onahole that's warm inside.

If the onahole is on the heavier side (I'd say about 600g or above) and bigger overall you might have to find the right balance before you leave it alone as it can tip over.

Overall I think that it does it's job but that it wasn't made for onaholes that are over 400g-500g or more and on the longer side.

I do love to use it as an additional tool for drying though, and this is where I think it really shines. Dry your Onahole, use a cloth and/or a drying stick and at the end put it on this badboy for the finishing touch.
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Works well
Review by chickadee
Heats up well and sterilises too - must have item
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Warming and disinfecting.
Review by Markus
While the cable length is a bit shorter than I’d prefer but manageable. In comparison with the other warmer it’s better like you can see in the picture.
Compared to my older warmer, the temperature control is more precise, and the heating is faster. I recommend this warmer to anyone seeking a reliable and hygienic solution.
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Warm is better
Review by LV
Feel way better than going cold. And it sterilize the toys so its perfect. A bit short but not a big problem
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Review by Onafan
The warmer do automatic on/off cycle.
A longer cable and an interruptor would be a nice upgrade.
Also a longer version could be interesting for some toys.
No power adapter included.
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Review by vibecheck
Well made. Maybe a bit too short as other reviews stated already. I discovered that squeezing the air out from the onahole before inserting the warmer causes the onahole to wrap around it tighter and warm up more evenly.
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Perfect Warming Tool
Review by Tibaaaz
Heats toys Really Fast
Desinfects with U-Rays
Solid and Sturdy
Stands on its own

It's just the perfect Warmer. Get it !
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Achieves a good result
Review by Henry
Warmer heats my onahole up nicely. It turns itself off once it reaches temperature. It is a bit short though.
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2-in-1 device, it would have been perfect if it was a bit longer!
Review by NN
I really like the UV functionality, however for the warmer part, I wish it would have been a bit longer. It doesn't reach all the way through in some tunnels, but I'm satisfied with how quickly it heats.
For comparison, it's quite a lot shorter than a TYO bottle.
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Just get it
Review by Ascilie
If you don't have a warmer you are doing something wrong, they are a game changer (obviously women are hot on the inside...). This thing not only will warm your toy and will turns off when the temperature is reached to avoid melting your toy (that already males a difference). Moreover because it heats with UV light, it will help sanitizing the toy before each sessions so no mold or bacteria will grow.

The only con. this product has, and that's why no 5* were given in this review, is that it's a little short, around 10-12cm or so.
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You didnt know you needed one before trying it
Review by Patchou
For people that might get the reference, using an onahole warmer is like transitionning from a 60Hz screen to a 140Hz screen: you thought it was good, but after getting it you cant live without it. The warmth adds so much to the experience than a cold onahole does, and this one even ensures that no pathogens are left in the tunnel before using it which is ideal (this doesnt exempt you from cleaning onaholes tho)
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Review by Piet
Warmt heel goed. Fijn dat er een thermostaat inzit. Is ook los in een opening te stoppen, hoeft niet rechtop te staan. Uitstekend ding
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It's a must have !
Review by Brick
KYO Steri Warmer will take you the the next level of pleasure for sure
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Works very well but a little bit short
Review by Peet_14
As the title says the Warmer works really well. The temperature is great for the onaholes and the automatic heatswitch works perfectly.

The only thing ist that the Warmer is pretty short so you can't reach the top of some longer onas
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Does a good job
Review by a stick
It does a good job at warming up the toy. Very easy to use, but I'm taking extra precautions by putting a towel around everything because I'm kind of scared of the UV light.
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Simple and effective
Review by Eyebeme
Although it is very short, heat is less limited and UV light even less than that. A clever idea and it works(the heat, at least, but the science does support the sterilisation, also)
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Great product
Review by M
The warmer greatly enhances the experience, while offering sterilization. However it is not perfect. I wish it would heat up the toy slightly more, because the warmth quickly goes away when you start using it. It still feels much better than using a cold toy, so I think it is still a must-have product. I highly recommend it.
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Review by Daniel
Um einiges besser als der KYO Onahole-Wärmer, den ich vorher benutzt habe,
Wärmt gleichmäßig und schnell auf. Leider etwas kurz von der Länge finde ich, aber dürfte für die meisten Onaholes passen.
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works great
Review by nawid
it warms toys up within 5-15 minutes depending on the toy size. works great and even if it is a bit smaller than the toy hole it still warms it up completely. bonus points you don't have to worry about it melting the toy. i left one in it for 30-45 minutes and because it turns itself of the toy was not damaged.
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Review by Maxime
Le kyo steri warmer réchauffe idéalement tous type de masturbateur
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A warm Onahole is just better
Review by Akali
The KYO Steri Warmer does what the name implies, it warms and sterilizes your onahole. A warm onahole just feels better than using it as is. Of course, the UV light does not kill all germs and bacteria, but it still helps. I would still use a spray or a proper toy sterilizer just to be safe.
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My new favourite
Review by r/Onaholes2 Reddit
Here are some additional pictures to the ones i'll be referring to within the review: https://imgur.com/a/OV8R1HH
So this device is called the KYO Steri Warmer. An onahole warmer is an item that every onahole user should be familiar with.Warming up your onahole before use makes it feel really close to reality and also more stimulating.
But this device also has another functionality, which is disinfecting your toy via UV-C light (this is obviously no replacement for your regular toy cleaning).
UV-C rays have the ability to kill mold, germs and even viruses. There are many such devices for disinfecting women's toys already, but as far as I know, this is the first one for male sex toys.
The way it works is by having three UV-light-emitting LEDs on each side and a heating strip (see pictures). Unfortunately, I actually don't have a microbiological laboratory, so I cannot test its sterilizing capabilities. But it is a proven concept, so it should be really effective in practice.Just be careful not to look into the LEDs, as this will hurt your eyes.
But how good is its heating functionality compared to its competitors?
The competing products I tested it against were a cheap unbranded heating rod and a "DMM"-branded one that was a little more expensive.
Here are the results after setting up a timer for 5 minutes:
• -The unbranded heating rod was the coldest of the bunch and also had an uneven distribution of heat, being completely cold around the tip.
• -"DMM" onahole heater was the hottest, but it kept getting hotter still. This could melt your onaholes after some time. I once left a warmer like this in my fleshlight for about an hour, and it completely ruined the toy, so be warned!
• -The KYO Steri Warmer on the other hand, automatically turned itself off after heating the toy perfectly within only 5 minutes.
The ability to stand straight up thanks to its rubber base also makes this the more convenient option for me, as you can start using your toy immediately without having to deal with putting a lubed-up stick somewhere.

The only downside I found is its length, at 12.5 cm, it might be too short to reach the end of some longer onahole tunnels. 12.5cm is not as bad as it sounds though, because the heat also transfers within the material, so its heating capabilities are a little bit longer than its physical length.
The other rods are not much longer, but the lack of a base also means they can be fully inserted at least.
Overall, I really like this new heater; it's the best one I have used so far!

Pros and Cons:
+nice build quality
+innovate 2 in 1 functionality
+overheating protection
+fast heat up time
+convenient base

-could be a bit too short for really long onaholes
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Works but don't feel a huge difference
Review by Sweedee
Does what it should, after a few minutes it turns off automatically and the onahole gets pretty warm. However i dont really feel a huge difference in terms of warmth when using it. Maybe my pp is just temperature insensitive.
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Ideale warmer!
Review by Gilles
De KYO Steri Warmer doet exact wat je ervan verwacht. Breng de warmer aan in de onahole die je wil gebruiken, sluit het usb-uiteinde aan, wacht enkele minuten en geniet van je heerlijk warme onahole! Het desinfecterende Uv-licht is ook een zeer leuke bonus voor diegenen met smetvrees onder ons (zoals ik).
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